Custom FOV Mod 1.0.0 Download For Lethal Company

Discover a new perspective in “Lethal Company” with the Custom FOV Mod. This mod allows players to personalize their field of view (FOV), providing a more immersive and tailored visual experience. Whether you prefer a wider scope to take in more of the game world or a narrower focus for concentrated gameplay, this mod offers the flexibility to adjust your view to your liking. It’s an essential tool for players looking to enhance their visual interaction with the game, making every session more engaging and suited to their playstyle.

Detailed Mod Description

The Custom FOV Mod is a significant enhancement for “Lethal Company,” offering players the ability to adjust the field of view to their personal preferences. This mod is particularly beneficial for those who want to expand their peripheral vision in the game, allowing for a broader view of the surroundings and potentially a strategic advantage.

Customizing the FOV can also help alleviate discomfort for players who experience motion sickness at standard FOV settings. By adjusting the field of view, players can find a setting that is more comfortable and less disorienting, leading to a more enjoyable gaming experience.

The mod is user-friendly and easy to install, making it accessible to both experienced modders and newcomers. It includes options to adjust the FOV to various levels, giving players the freedom to experiment with different settings until they find the perfect balance for their gameplay.

Key Features Of Custom FOV Mod

  • Adjustable Field of View: Customize your FOV for a personalized visual experience.
  • Enhanced Peripheral Vision: Expand your view of the game world.
  • User-Friendly Installation: Easy to set up and use.
  • Comfort Settings: Adjust FOV to reduce motion sickness.
  • Versatile Customization: Find your perfect balance for strategic gameplay.
  • Improved Game Interaction: Enhanced engagement with the game environment.
  • Accessible to All Players: Suitable for both new and experienced mod users.

How To Install Custom FOV Mod

  1. Download the Custom FOV Mod: Available at
  2. Install Required Frameworks: Ensure BepInEx is installed for the mod to function.
  3. Place Mod File in Directory: Copy the mod file to the appropriate game directory.
  4. Adjust Settings to Preference: Customize the FOV settings as desired.
  5. Experience Enhanced Gameplay: Launch “Lethal Company” and enjoy your new FOV.

Download Custom FOV Mod For Lethal Company

Mod NameCustom FOV Mod
File Size3 KB
Updated OnJanuary 14, 2024

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Regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest game versions.

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The mod is well-received by players for its impact on gameplay immersion and comfort.

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The Custom FOV Mod is an indispensable addition to your “Lethal Company” gaming setup. It offers not just a visual enhancement but a complete customization of how players interact with the game world. Whether it’s gaining a strategic edge or finding a more comfortable viewing angle, this mod caters to various needs and preferences, making it a valuable tool for any player. Dive into “Lethal Company” with a fresh perspective and enjoy a more immersive, personalized gaming experience.

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