Boombox Controller Mod Download For Lethal Company

Elevate your “Lethal Company” experience with the Boombox Controller Mod, a creative tool that brings a musical twist to your gameplay. This mod allows players to upload and control music tracks directly within the game, using simple chat commands. It transforms the gaming environment by adding a personalized audio backdrop, making each session unique. Whether you’re coordinating with teammates or immersing yourself in solo play, this mod adds an extra layer of enjoyment to your game, providing a fun and interactive way to enhance the game’s atmosphere with your favorite tunes​​.

Detailed Mod Description

The Boombox Controller Mod introduces a range of functionalities that allow players to integrate music into “Lethal Company.” It enables uploading music to the boombox via links, supporting platforms like YouTube (including playlists) and SoundCloud, as well as links to downloadable mp3 files. This feature allows for a diverse range of music to be played directly in the game, catering to different player preferences.

Additionally, the mod includes several customizable options. Players can increase the number of characters in a message by up to 200, change the music volume, and even turn the boombox’s battery on or off within the game’s configuration settings. It’s also possible to change the track position using commands, which adds a level of control over the playback experience.

One of the standout features of this mod is the ability to customize the boombox’s appearance. Players can change the color of the boombox and add a picture to its back, allowing for further personalization. The mod also remembers the set volume even after quitting the game, ensuring a consistent audio experience in each session​​.

Key Features Of Boombox Controller Mod For Lethal Company

  • Track Uploading: Upload music via chat using links from YouTube, SoundCloud, or mp3 files.
  • Message Character Increase: Expand chat messages to 200 characters.
  • Volume Control: Adjust the boombox volume within the game.
  • Battery Toggle: Turn the boombox battery on or off in configuration.
  • Track Position Command: Change the music track position with commands.
  • YouTube Playlist Support: Play entire YouTube playlists.
  • Boombox Customization: Change the color and add a custom picture to the boombox.

How To Install Boombox Controller Mod

  1. Download the Boombox Controller Mod: Available at
  2. Install BepInEx: Required for the mod to function.
  3. Place Mod File in Directory: Copy the mod file to the Lethal Company/BepInEx/plugins folder.
  4. Configure Settings: Customize the mod settings according to your preference.
  5. Enjoy Enhanced Gaming: Launch “Lethal Company” and enjoy the new musical features.

Download Boombox Controller Mod For Lethal Company

Mod NameBoombox Controller Mod
File Size99 KB
Updated OnJanuary 13, 2024

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Compatibility and Updates

Regularly updated for compatibility with “Lethal Company,” this mod seamlessly integrates with the game.

Community Engagement

The mod is popular in the community for its unique ability to enhance gaming sessions with personalized music and aesthetics.

Safety and Security

As with all mods, ensure you download from a trusted source. The Boombox Controller Mod is safe to use and enhances the game without compromising its integrity.


The Boombox Controller Mod is a fantastic addition to “Lethal Company,” bringing a personalized audio experience to the game. It’s not just about playing music; it’s about enhancing the gaming atmosphere and making each session uniquely enjoyable. Whether you want to pump up the energy with upbeat tracks or create a specific mood with curated playlists, this mod provides the tools to do so. The added customization options for the boombox itself make it even more appealing, allowing players to express themselves visually and audibly. Embrace the fun and creativity that the Boombox Controller Mod brings to “Lethal Company” and make your gaming experience uniquely yours.

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