LB to KG Mod Download For Lethal Company

Introducing the LB to KG Mod for “Lethal Company,” a simple yet essential modification for players who prefer metric measurements. This mod changes the display of item weights from pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg), offering a more familiar and intuitive weight system for many players. It’s an ideal addition for those seeking a more realistic and relatable gaming experience, ensuring that every aspect of the game, down to the weight of items, aligns with their preferences.

Detailed Mod Description

The LB to KG Mod transforms the way item weights are presented in “Lethal Company,” shifting from the imperial system to the metric system. This change is particularly beneficial for players accustomed to the metric system, as it provides a more accurate understanding of the weight of items within the game.

The mod’s implementation is seamless, integrating smoothly into the game’s interface without disrupting the overall design. It enhances the gameplay experience by presenting item weights in a format that is widely used and understood globally. The mod is not just a cosmetic change; it also plays a crucial role in decision-making processes, especially in scenarios where weight management is key.

Key Features Of LB to KG Mod

  • Metric Weight Display: Converts item weights from pounds to kilograms.
  • Enhanced Realism: Provides a more realistic gameplay experience.
  • Global Understanding: Makes weight measurements more accessible for players worldwide.
  • Seamless Integration: Fits naturally into the game’s existing interface.
  • Improved Decision Making: Aids in better understanding and management of item weights.
  • User-Friendly: Simple and intuitive for players familiar with the metric system.
  • Practical Gameplay Enhancement: Useful for inventory management and strategic planning.

How To Install LB to KG Mod

  1. Download the Mod: Available at
  2. Check Game Compatibility: Ensure your version of “Lethal Company” supports the mod.
  3. Install Required Tools: Follow any prerequisites such as BepInEx.
  4. Implement the Mod: Add it to the game’s directory.
  5. Enjoy Metric Measurements: Launch the game and experience the new weight display.

Download LB to KG Mod For Lethal Company

Mod NameLB to KG Mod
File Size3 KB
Updated OnJanuary 17, 2024

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Compatibility and Updates

Regularly updated to maintain compatibility with “Lethal Company” updates.

Community Engagement

This mod is appreciated for its practical application, especially among players used to the metric system.

Safety and Security

Ensures a secure modding experience with downloads from reputable sources.


The LB to KG Mod is an excellent addition for “Lethal Company” players seeking a more globally recognized measurement system. By converting item weights to kilograms, the mod provides a practical and realistic approach to weight management in the game. It’s a subtle yet impactful change that enhances the overall gaming experience, making it more relatable and intuitive for a wide range of players. Whether you’re strategizing your inventory or just prefer metric measurements, this mod is a valuable tool to incorporate into your gameplay.

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